Tuesday 28 February 2012

Eastrand Spinners invade Soshanguve spin city

Tshepang Mkhonza, member of the Soshanguve Spin Kings going sideways at the Spin City Invasion.

 Petrol heads and BMW enthusiasts headed to Soshanguve as Soshanguve Spin Kings (SSK) hosted their first spin city event at the Soshanguve Spin Palace on Saturday Febuary 25.

Tshepang Mkhonza a member of SSK organised the event to showcase spin crews from all over Gauteng, the line up of spin crews included, Eastrand Spinners, West Side Connect from Pretoria West, Spartans from Florida, Johannesburg, local spin crews Bojwa Bob City from Mabopane and SSK. Apart from spinning where the main objective is to spin untill the tyres of the car burst , stunts performed at the event tested the drivers overall controll of the vehicle, steering control, hand-eye coordination and most important their ability to contol the power of the vehicle while performing various stunts.

Local crew Bojwa Bob city made an impressive performance during a stunt where three piles of tyres stacked in three's,  were place linearly a part from each other in a distance that can merely acommodate the length of a vehicle. To perfect this stunt drivers had to drive as close as possible in between the piles at an angle, inorder for them not to knock down any tyre from the pile.

Events like this call for the creation of a motoring periodic table where a new element named "Petronalin Ph" will be added to the table. The element consist of a mixture  of two compounds, petrol, being a petrol head and adrenalin, adapted form adrenalin junkies like Ricardo Carls member of the Spartans crew who  enjoyed participating at the event," I would  like to thank Tshepang for hosting this event, the event is great and spinning is something else especially being inside that car. It is all about the the adrenaline rush" said Carls.

Overall Eastrand spinners put up the best performance, by out performing spin crews present at the event.

Friday 24 February 2012

Spin City Invasion Change of Venue

The venue of the Spin City Invasion has been changed, the event will now take place at the Soshanguve Spin Palace SSP  in Block F on Saturday 25 Febuuary.

For more information and directions contact Tshepang Mkhonza on 073 564 1746 or 074 430 5146

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Online Journalism in South Africa

Online journalism was created to link the print and broadcast sides of the media, this creation of oline journalism has created a more efficient channel for accessing the news. People no longer have to wait for a news bulletins to play on the radio and television at a certain time or have to go to your local shop to buy a newspaper. News stories are broken as soon as they happen via online news websites.
In my report I use three different online news sites namely The Daily Maverick, SABC news and The Daily Dispatch.
The daily Maverick - Independently run, online
Daily maverick, uses a plain format when coming to online journalism, not much multimedia elements are used. The design is plain when compared to other online journalism websites, a lot of white space is still visible which online journalism makes provision for a more colourful and creative news source. The Daily Maverick usually sends e-mails to readers who have subscribed to receive the Daily Maverick`s morning e-mail. Another application called IMaveric which helps share news in PDF format to readers who use Iphones and Tablets is a different and unique feature used by the Daily Maverick.http://imaverick.co.za/page/editions
SABC news online - Government run, online broadcast
The SABC news online which emerges from broadcast news, uses a variety of multimedia which can be accessed on their website, this includes various video clips from news bulletins and special reports. From the SABC news website readers can access TV and Radio stations like SABC channels, SAfm and RSG fm
Daily Dispatch - Independently run, online
The Daily dispatch like most online site`s caters for most news categories like News, Blogs, Sports,Classifieds and many others including a Wedding photo Gallery  where readers can send in their photo`s. This category is not seen on most online sites, however their website uses a plain white background no videos and animations are used considering multimedia used on the website.http://www.dispatch.co.za//news/news/news
The three different online sites that I have used in my report are different and cater for different types of readers, because if all online news websites use a similar format containing the same features then there wouldn`t be a difference. Online journalism is all about setting trends and using innovative features that will attract a certain group of readers, at the end of the day it`s all about how many people visited the site.

Monday 13 February 2012

Spin City Invasion

The first of the annual spin city events for 2012 will take place on Saturday 25 February, at the  Moretele Bar Lounge in Sutelong .

For the first time Soshanguve Spin Kings will host their first spin city at the Moretele Bar Lounge venue which is a new venu, all Soshanguve Spin Palace loyal fans will  experience another esqueezed spinning venue, that has an indoor bar, pool out-side and other entertainment facilities . The  event will feature spin crews from all over Gauteng including Mamelodi Spinners, Sosh Burners, West Side Connect (Ziko), Moretele Spinners, Voslo Spinners, Jozi Spinners, SSK & other crews who are still to be confirmed.

 Entrance fee is just R40 for adults & R25 for children this will includes plenty of entertainment provided by 5 spin crews and Dj's, a Bar , Dancers and a swimming pool.

For more information and directions contact Tshepang Mkhonza on 073 564 1746 or 074 430 5146

Directions: Moretele Bar Lounge is situated 35km away from Soshanguve. You just drive straight pass Jabulani Stout School in Sosha on your right hand side from Soutpan road, Continue driving straight and pass Tswaing Crater on your left side. As you drive straight, you will pass Amingos Tavern on your left and Engen garage on your right. When you continue going straight after passing power station on your right, you will see a board written Sutelong on your left and Morelete Bar Lounge will be on your right surrounded by lights.

GPS Coordinates : -25° 8' 35.19", +27° 57' 45.39" (-25.143109, 27.962608)

Monday 6 February 2012

Toilet invention to save 288 billion liters of water yearly

Robert Mabusela

Founder and Managing Director of WHC (Water Hygiene Convenience) Paseka Lesolang,may be heading for the United States of America subject to him raising R80 000 to represent South Africa at The Third Annual Unreasonable Institute. As one of the 50 finalists chosen from 306 high impact entrepreneurs who applied from 55 countries. 23 year old Paseka from Ga-Rankuwa has invented a hygienic toilet system that can save at least 288 billion liters of water yearly if installed in a million houses.

A problem with the toilet systems that were installed in the neighborhood of Ga-Rankuwa  gave birth to his invention,” The toilet system was a dual flush system, when you flush with the half flush for a given period of time you flushed the  whole tank and when you flush with the full you automatically  flushed the whole tank. Therefore, the objective was good but the implementation  wasn`t so good as a result water was wasted” said Paseka. After identifying the problem he researched other dual flush systems and saw that they had common problems and eventually decided to come up with a solution instead of complaining about it. He also added hygienic features to his new water saving solution,  which make sure that an individual doesn`t have any contact with germs found on a flushing handle, while eliminating at least 12 water born bacteria in a toilet pot with the sanitizer used. These bacteria give birth to diseases including ecoli which is a prerequisite for dihorea , influenza, commonly known as flu and Norwalk virus found in food poisoning . If used effectively the life span of a person infected with HIV/ AIDS may be prolonged given the untimely deaths obliviously caused by water-borne bacteria due to inadequate sanitation.

Along the way Paseka has encountered some problems including, speaking to the wrong people as well as speaking to the right people who were available, but did not listen attentively or would tell him to come back after a certain period of time. Politics also took its toll, however these challenges did not stop him. Today he is the founder of Wagienience (Pty) Ltd trading as WHC, based at The Innovation Hub in Pretoria, "along the way I have acquired a partner and a team. My partner is Armando Costa an inventor, who invented the digester which is complementary to the product. In this way we can cater for both urban and rural areas. Armando also invented a product in 1996 that can recover precious metals from mine waste sites, his skills and experience are a great leverage to our progress" said Paseka.
Peter Clarke, the project manager, will assist Paseka to achieve his quest "Paseka is a fine young man and I would like to assist him where I can, and see him be very succesful. He is young and is taking this one step at a time. To his credit he continues diligently, an admirable quality”, said Peter.

Such inventions will contribute in working towards a green economy, as water scarcity is still a problem in many African countries including other parts of the world. The implementation phase will employ at least 480 people. To contribute to Paseka's quest of raising the R80000 before the 7th March 2012; you can do so by depositing into the business bank account [B: First National Bank, Account Name: Wagienience, Account Number: 62230796867, Branch Name: Ga- Rankuwa, Branch Code: 252945]. Should you prefer via credit card; you can do so on their web profile through this link:    https://marketplace.unreasonableinstitute.org/project/whc/  . To make contact with Paseka to that regard, he is always available to do so through his personal email address; paseka57@gmail.com.

 The Unreasonable Institute (www.unreasonableinstitute.org ) only permits 25 candidates who will be taught how to implement such highly beneficial projects internationally by leaders of industry that do so on a daily basis for their requtable products, provides the needed international networks, skills transfer and guaranteed audience of investors with the credibility to roll it out. As the only South African selected; his presence will indicate us as a trendsetter not a follower (as per popular believe). He will be putting South Africa on the Green Innovations Map, South Africa Alive with Possibilities.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Long awaited tar roads for Mabopane block x

Construction workers working hard during a community development project in Mabopane block x

Robert Mabusela

Residents of Mabopane block X will no longer have to deal with dusty roads and flooding water, which cause soil erosion, the Municipality is currently constructing new tar roads around the neighborhood.

The construction of the tarred roads has also created employment for members of the community who feel very proud to be part of the construction, as a member of the ANC Youth League we have to deliver and help upgrade our neighborhood, so I am very lucky to be part of this project that will benefit our community said Koketso Mashilo

It has been a long wait for the community as they have mentioned that such a project has been a need in the community which excites them to see it finally happening, we are happy that there is an improvement, because we have been waiting for a project like this since after the 1994 elections, Said  Irene Seeleele .
With the current completion the community`s wait will soon be over as the construction is sailing smoothly so much that the construction company has achieve a 35% completion progress in just over a month and three weeks We are ahead of schedule, we might be more than 35% complete in a space of a month and three weeks said site manager Eddie Makwela.

Community Liaisons Officer Phumzile Mbokane acknowledges that the co-operation between the community and the construction company contributed to the current progress achieved in the project.