Monday 5 November 2012

Mercs Answer to Audi`s RS3

Photo from

Mercedes Benz is taking an aim at the top performance premium hatchbacks within the “Big Three” German brands with its plans to launch the A45 AMG, which is the flagship of the model range from Merc`s A class offerings. Merc has taken a bold step by dubbing the A45 AMG a possible RS3 killer, not because Audi is any greater than its German rivals but because of how Merc has used two top hatchback models as benchmarks for their A45 AMG.

Competition in the hatchback segment is tight with competitors including BMW`s M135i and their main target the Audi RS3, amongst others. Merc has always benchmarked it`s sports cars amongst the top three German brands. Although from the previous A class range there has not been a model produced in the range that could compete in the less powerful Audi S3 and BMW 130i league, but as soon as Merc unveiled plans of creating such a model they didn't limit the capability of Mercs performance. The A45 will be powered by a 2.0 liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, which will be the most powerful four-cylinder engine Merc has produced. It Is one cylinder shorter than Audi`s 2.5 liter turbo engine which powers the RS3 and two of BMW`s 3.0 liter six-cylinder Twin turbo engine, it will be interesting to see all three rivals go head to head.

Mercedes plans to use a similar system to Audi`s Quattro system, the A45 will transfer power to all four wheels via a twin-clutch gearbox and a Haldex-alike multiple clutch four wheel drive system.  This sounds complicated but essential enough to propel Merc`s “RS3 killer” from 0-100 in five seconds. According to, “Mercedes-Benz insiders suggest it will match the claimed (0-100 km/h) time of the M135i “, but the RS3 does the dash in Just 4,6 seconds.  On paper the A45 is able to match the M135i`s performance, but will this be another case were figures are good on paper but tell a different story when they officially go head to head on the tar? Not to mention that the RS3 will be 0,3 seconds away from the Merc

The A class has always appealed more to consumers as a mom’s car, so one would think that it will be more reasonable for the brand to start matching its performance with models like the Audi S3 and most probably the BMW 130i. The A class hasn't had a model that could compete in the S3 and 130i league but as soon as Merc unveiled plans of creating such a model they didn't limit its capability.

On paper, this is may seem to be a bold step but we shouldn't rule out the possibility that Merc could give Audi a taste of its own medicine as we have seen Audi`s smaller capacity engine giving their bigger counterparts a run for their money, in the case of the S3.

The battle between Audi and BMW in the hot hatch segment has been going on for years while Merc has been absent, but credit goes to the brand for jumping into the competition.

Article featured in the November issue of the Tshwane Youth Magazine

Model Specifications

Mercedes Benz A45 AM
BMW  M135i
Audi RS3
2.0l Turbocharged
3.0l Twin turbo
2.5l Turbocharged
Power (KW\h)
331 kW
4.9 (Estimated to match M135i)
4.9 secs
4,6 secs
All wheel drive
Rear wheel
Quattro (all wheel)
7 speed dual clutch
6 Speed Manual
7 Speed Double clutch

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